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Play Proverbs - page 3
The problem with the palace attendant isn't how to steal the king's drums but where to play them from.
African Proverb
By the time the fool has learned to play the game, the players have dispersed.
African Proverb
They who play with edged tools must expect to be cut.
American Proverb
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
American Proverb
It's a poor frog who doesn't play with his own pond.
American Proverb
Give and take is fair play.
English Proverb
No man can play the fool so well as the wise man.
English Proverb
You lose some... and you win some... and some you don't even bother to play.
English Proverb
The brains of a fox will be of little service if you play with the paw of a lion.
English Proverb
Better play a small game than to stand out.
English Proverb
Play alone and you're bound to win.
Arabic Proverb
When you play, you may break your head.
Arabic Proverb
What is play to the cat is death to the mouse.
Danish Proverb
It is bad for puppies to play with bear-cubs.
Danish Proverb
It is no child's play when an old woman dances.
Danish Proverb
equal children play best.
Danish Proverb
When the cat's away the mice will play.
Danish Proverb
Children and fools Shouldn't play with edged tools.
Danish Proverb
Better play at small game than stand out.
German Proverb
The cat's play is the mouse's death.
German Proverb
When the cat's away the mice play.
German Proverb
Many can pack the cards that cannot play.
German Proverb