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Early Proverbs - page 4
Grapes picked too early don't even make good vinegar.
Jewish Proverb
If someone is coming to kill you, get up early and kill him first.
Jewish Proverb
The stomack is filled earlier than the eye.
Swedish Proverb
He plaints early that plaints on his kail.
Scottish Proverb
He gangs early to steal, that cannot say Na.
Scottish Proverb
He rises over early that is hangit ere noon.
Scottish Proverb
To make your neighbor jealous, go to bed early and get up early.
Corsican Proverb
If you don't collect the sheep early, you get neither the sheep nor the wool.
Sicilian Proverb
Marriage must occur early or it will never happen.
Sicilian Proverb
He had need rise early who would please everybody.
French Proverb
The early bird catches the early worm.
French Proverb
It is in vain for a man to rise early who has the repute of lying in bed all the morning.
French Proverb
Most men employ the earlier part of their life to make the other miserable.
French Proverb
The future belongs to the man who rises early.
French Proverb
The early man never borrows from the late man.
French Proverb
The early riser is healthy, cheerful and industrious.
French Proverb
God gives to those who get up early.
Russian Proverb
Cocks that crow too early will quickly find themselves in the pot.
Turkish Proverb
He who would cheat the fox must rise early.
Spanish Proverb
Rise early and watch, labour and catch.
Spanish Proverb
If you would live healthy, be old early.
Spanish Proverb
If you would live in health, grow old early.
Spanish Proverb