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High Proverbs - page 4
The flitch hangs never so high but a dog will look out for the bone.
Danish Proverb
Ambition and fleas both jump high.
German Proverb
Those in a high position can be seen from far away.
German Proverb
The salary of a good servant is never too high.
German Proverb
High houses are mostly empty in the upper story.
German Proverb
He who starts singing too high will never finish the song.
German Proverb
What is too high, that let fly.
German Proverb
The chamois climbs high and yet is caught.
German Proverb
He who builds a house in the market-place, builds either too high or too low.
Italian Proverb
Don't jump high in a room with a low ceiling.
Czech Proverb
It is not good to eat cherries from the same dish with persons of high rank.
Hungarian Proverb
He who climbs high, has a great fall.
Hungarian Proverb
God has taken him to a high position.
Hungarian Proverb
Death makes equal the high and low.
Romanian Proverb
Envy always shoots at a high mark.
Romanian Proverb
Over high, over laigh.
Scottish Proverb
The bird flies high, but always returns to earth.
Nigerian Proverb
High calling brings a high fall.
Faroese Proverb
Sell high and give a fair measure.
Sicilian Proverb
You cannot hold your head high with your hand out.
Yiddish Proverb
The crow flies sky high and lands on a pig.
Yiddish Proverb
Look down if you would know how high you stand.
Yiddish Proverb