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High Proverbs - page 3
In the South they don't care how close you get, as long as you don't get too high. In the North, they don't care how high you get, as long as you don't get too close.
African American Proverb
Though a tree grows ever so high, the falling leaves return to its roots.
Malawi Proverb
A bird flies high above and its funeral is performed on the ground.
Mamprussi Proverb
Two heads cut off and thrown high into the tree have only the winds with which to scheme.
Norse Proverb
God is high above, and russia is far away.
Serbo Croatian Proverb
No price is too low for a bear or too high for a bull.
Traditional Proverb
When you sleep in a house your thoughts are as high as the ceiling, when you sleep outside they are as high as the stars.
Bedouin Proverb
Don't jump high in a room with a low ceiling.
Czechoslovakian Proverb
The person who deals in camels should make the doors high.
Styrian Proverb
Even when a samurai has not eaten, he holds his toothpick high.
Japanese Proverb
The dragon teaches you that if you want to climb high you have to do it against the wind.
Chinese Proverb
A man of high principles is someone who can watch a chess game without passing comment.
Chinese Proverb
Even the high and noble bow before the barber.
African Proverb
No matter how high the vulture may choose to soar, the eagle will remain king of the sky.
African Proverb
When the water's high, the boat's high.
American Proverb
High places have their precipices.
English Proverb
Let my lamp at midnight hour be seen in some high lonely tower.
English Proverb
There is never a debt is paid so high as that which the wet owes to the dry.
English Proverb
He must stand high that would see the end of his own destiny.
Danish Proverb
He who wants to jump high must take a long run.
Danish Proverb
It needs a high wall to keep out fear.
Danish Proverb
No matter how high a bird can fly, it still has to look for food on the ground.
Danish Proverb