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Stick Proverbs
If a woman sees a stick for beating her rival, she will throw it away in the woods.
Kiganda Proverb
A bad knife cuts one's finger instead of the stick.
Portuguese Proverb
If you want to know villain, give him a stick.
Portuguese Proverb
Though the snake be small, it is still wise to hit it with a big stick.
Hindi Proverb
Whose stick, his buffalo.
Hindi Proverb
The mule wasn't born wild, the stick made her that way.
Mexican Proverb
Dress up a stick and it'll be a beautiful bride.
Egyptian Proverb
Dress up a stick and you get a doll.
Egyptian Proverb
Until the snake is dead, do not drop the stick.
Ivorian Proverb
If you see a man riding a wooden stick, say to him "Good health to your horse".
Moroccan Proverb
One who is not moved by words is not moved by the stick.
Moroccan Proverb
The bigger the pot the more rice will stick to it.
Zanzibar Proverb
A stick one bends while it is still green.
Bantu Proverb
Depend on your walking stick, not on other people.
Japanese Proverb
A stick for the nobody, a hint for the nobleman.
Afghan Proverb
A single stick may smoke, but it will not burn.
African Proverb
When you have no companion, look to your walking stick.
Albanian Proverb
Cobbler, stick to thy last.
English Proverb
The cobbler should stick to his last.
English Proverb
When you mention 'dog,' you should get a stick.
Arabic Proverb
Never poke a jaguar with a short stick.
Portuguese Proverb
An old monkey will not stick his hand into a jar.
Portuguese Proverb