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Company Proverbs - page 4
Good company on the road is the shortest of short cuts.
Italian Proverb
Tell me the company you keep, and I will tell you who you are.
Italian Proverb
Ill company brings many a man to the gallows.
Romanian Proverb
Better be alone than in bad company.
Romanian Proverb
We are esteemed and treated by the company we keep.
Swedish Proverb
Better be alone nor in ill company.
Scottish Proverb
Sike a man as thou would be, draw thee to sike company.
Scottish Proverb
His room's better than his company.
Scottish Proverb
Kend fouk's nae company.
Scottish Proverb
Poverty parts good company, and is an enemy to vertue.
Scottish Proverb
Dirt parts company.
Scottish Proverb
Good company on a journey is worth a coach.
Scottish Proverb
At table keep short hand; in company keep a short tongue.
Kurdish Proverb
It is better to be alone than to be in bad company.
Corsican Proverb
Company drags a man to the scaffold.
Corsican Proverb
The smaller the company the bigger the share.
Manx Proverb
If bad be the raven, his company is no better.
Scottish Gaelic Proverb
Speak little in the company of the old.
Sicilian Proverb
A cunning man likes the company of a fool.
Kikuyu Proverb
It is better to be alone than to be in bad company.
Walloon Proverb
Better alone than in bad company.
Dutch Proverb
Good company on a journey is worth a coach.
Dutch Proverb