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Company Proverbs - page 2
He keeps his road well enough who gets rid of bad company.
Portuguese Proverb
The company makes the feast.
Italian Proverb
He is not an honest man who has burned his tongue and does not tell the company that the soup is hot.
Italian Proverb
Keep company with good men, and you'll increase their number.
Italian Proverb
Who keeps company with a wolf will learn to howl.
Italian Proverb
With the first wife is matrimony, the second company, the third heresy.
Italian Proverb
Good company makes short miles.
Dutch Proverb
In the company of the good we become good.
Dutch Proverb
The third person makes good company.
Dutch Proverb
The best company must part, as king dagobert said to his hounds.
French Proverb
A glass for the vodka, for the beer a mug, and for the table, cheerful company.
Russian Proverb
No camel route is long with good company.
Turkish Proverb
For a good companion good company.
Spanish Proverb
If you are choosing between bad company and loneliness, choose the second option.
Spanish Proverb
Three makes a company.
Latin Proverb
Tell me the company you keep, and I will tell you who you are.
Dutch Proverb
If you would be respected in company, seek the society of your equals and not of your superiors.
Cuban Proverb
Better to be alone than in bad company.
Mexican Proverb
Two's company, the third person is an intruder.
Kashmir Proverb
Blow your horn in a herd of elephants; crow in the company of cockerels; bleat in a flock of goats.
Malawi Proverb
A man is known by the company he avoids.
Traditional Proverb
The first wife is matrimony, the second company, the third heresy.
Traditional Proverb