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Hold Proverbs - page 4
All ships leak: some amidships, some in the bows, some in the hold.
Italian Proverb
He who knows little knows enough if he knows how to hold his tongue.
Italian Proverb
Here is nothing, hold it tight.
Hungarian Proverb
Hold fast when you have.
Romanian Proverb
Quha may hold that will away?
Scottish Proverb
I shall hold his Nose to the Grindstone.
Scottish Proverb
When man pikin dey piss, him dey hold something for hand. Woman wey try-am, go piss for her hand.
Nigerian Proverb
While seeking new friends, hold to the old.
Manx Proverb
Who seizes too much with his own hand, will have everything slip away and will hold nothing.
Sicilian Proverb
Hyena says that men are wise because they know how to hold a firebrand.
Kikuyu Proverb
If there is someone to haul the fir-tree, there shall be no shortage of those willing to hold a branch to help.
Finnish Proverb
You cannot hold your head high with your hand out.
Yiddish Proverb
When you look to the heights, hold on to your hat.
Yiddish Proverb
The mouse that hath but one hold is soon caught.
Dutch Proverb
He may swim boldly who is held up by the chin.
French Proverb
It is always well to keep hold of your horse's bridle.
French Proverb
Who falls into the sea will take hold even of a snake.
Turkish Proverb
Grasp no more than thy hand will hold.
Spanish Proverb
See, hear, and hold your tongue.
Spanish Proverb
Take hold of a good minute.
Spanish Proverb
When they offer you a ring, hold out your finger.
Spanish Proverb
Three who held each other are as good as six.
Spanish Proverb