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Peace Proverbs - page 4
Where there is peace, god is.
English Proverb
If you want peace, you must prepare for war.
English Proverb
Better a lean peace than a fat victory.
English Proverb
The tree of silence bears the fruit of peace.
Arabic Proverb
Where there is discipline there is virtue; where there is peace there is plenty.
Danish Proverb
Better one cow in peace than seven in trouble.
Danish Proverb
Peace and a well-built house cannot be bought too dearly.
Danish Proverb
Peace must be bought even at a high price.
Danish Proverb
Peace feeds, war wastes; peace breeds, war consumes.
Danish Proverb
The sword keeps the peace of the land.
Danish Proverb
Better a lean peace than a fat victory.
German Proverb
Better an unjust peace than a just war.
German Proverb
He who would prosper in peace, must suffer in silence.
German Proverb
Nobody ever bought peace but the man who hadn't got it.
Irish Proverb
Peace is worth buying.
Irish Proverb
Peace with a cudgel in hand is war.
Portuguese Proverb
Hear, see, and say nothing if you would live in peace.
Portuguese Proverb
An iron peace is better than a golden war.
Polish Proverb
Arms carry peace.
Italian Proverb
He who sweats more in peace, bleeds less in war.
Italian Proverb
Hear, see, and say nothing if you would live in peace.
Italian Proverb
The world exists on three things: truth, justice, and peace.
Jewish Proverb