Proverbs around the world
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Wood Proverbs
Without wood the fire would die.
Gypsy Proverb
One piece of wood will not make a fire.
Lao Proverb
When wood breaks it can be repaired, but ivory breaks forever.
Yoruba Proverb
In the house of a blacksmith the ornaments are made of wood.
Brazilian Proverb
If there is a way into the wood there is also a way out of it.
Irish Proverb
The ass that trespasses on a stranger's premises will leave them laden with wood.
Portuguese Proverb
To set fire to the wood, you need the help of the wind.
Tibetan Proverb
Do not halloo till you are out of the wood.
Vietnamese Proverb
Strong wood is worth more than painted wood.
Vietnamese Proverb
When you take a knife away from a child, give him a piece of wood instead.
Kenyan Proverb
When you get older you keep warm with the wood you gathered as a youth.
Bambara Proverb
The dead know the price of wood.
Myanmar Proverb
Do not measure up the wood before the tree is cut down.
Madagascan Proverb
A forest would want to be burned by its own wood.
Moorish Proverb
Old love and wood will burn as soon as they get the chance.
South American Proverb
Better to struggle with a sick jackass than carry the wood by yourself.
Zen Proverb
Chop wood, carry water.
Zen Proverb
The human heart is neither of stone nor wood.
Japanese Proverb
Rotten wood cannot be carved.
Chinese Proverb
The woman who takes a wolf for a husband is always looking into the wood.
Basque Proverb
The wood is burnt, but the ashes are a nuisance.
Afghan Proverb
Don't cry till you are out of the wood.
American Proverb