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Poverty Proverbs - page 4
A woman prefers poverty with love to wealth without love.
Jewish Proverb
Poverty is a wonderful thing. It sticks to a man after all his friends have forsaken him.
Jewish Proverb
An advantage of poverty, your relatives gain nothing by your death.
Jewish Proverb
Poverty runs after the poor, wealth after the rich.
Jewish Proverb
When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out of the window.
Romanian Proverb
Idleness is the key of poverty.
Romanian Proverb
Where poverty comes in, love goes out.
Swedish Proverb
Poverty and love are difficult to hide.
Swedish Proverb
It's sin and not poverty that makes men miserable.
Scottish Proverb
Misery and poverty are two sisters; discord is their first cousin.
Corsican Proverb
Foolish spending is a father of poverty.
Manx Proverb
Oh, oh, oh! three times I say it, who falls into poverty loses his friends.
Sicilian Proverb
When there is poverty, loyalty is suspect.
Sicilian Proverb
A long lawsuit breeds poverty.
Kikuyu Proverb
Riches and poverty do not leave each other.
Kikuyu Proverb
Nobody cares about other people's poverty.
Kikuyu Proverb
You can disguise wealth but you can't hide poverty.
Finnish Proverb
The doctor has a remedy for everything but poverty.
Yiddish Proverb
When industry goes out of the door, poverty comes in at the window.
Dutch Proverb
When hard work goes out of the door, poverty comes in at the window.
Dutch Proverb
Where poverty comes in at the door, loves flies out at the window.
Dutch Proverb
Riches run after the rich, and poverty runs after the poor.
French Proverb