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Poverty Proverbs - page 3
Poverty has no greater foe than bashfulness.
Traditional Proverb
If there had been no poverty in europe, then the white man would not have come and spread his clothes in africa.
Tshi Proverb
Life has always been a mixture of joy and pain, wealth and poverty.
Dominican Proverb
The monkey says there is nothing better than poverty to unlearn man of his conceit.
Ghana Proverb
A dog won't forsake his master because of poverty; a son never deserts his mother because of her homely appearance.
Chinese Proverb
Where there is no wealth there is no poverty.
African Proverb
Poverty without debt is real wealth.
African Proverb
Debt is the worst kind of poverty.
American Proverb
Handsome poverty is no disgrace.
American Proverb
Poverty is no vice, but an inconvenience.
English Proverb
Poverty is not a shame, but the being ashamed of it is.
English Proverb
The endless saver always lives in poverty.
Danish Proverb
He who sows money, will reap poverty.
Danish Proverb
Poverty craves many things, but avarice more.
German Proverb
Poverty and hunger have many learned disciples.
German Proverb
He who travels with hope, has poverty for his coachman.
German Proverb
Poverty is the sixth sense.
German Proverb
Riches cause arrogance; poverty, meekness.
German Proverb
Sloth is the key to poverty.
Portuguese Proverb
Sloth is the mother of poverty.
Portuguese Proverb
Poverty is not vile.
Portuguese Proverb
Poverty wants many things, and avarice all.
Italian Proverb