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Poverty Proverbs - page 2
Painless poverty is better than embittered wealth.
Greek Proverb
Old age and poverty are wounds that can't be healed.
Greek Proverb
Poverty parteth friends.
Portuguese Proverb
Poverty never sped well in love.
Portuguese Proverb
It befits the king to be liberal, for he is sure of never falling into poverty.
Portuguese Proverb
Poverty has no kin.
Italian Proverb
A fat kitchen is next door to poverty.
Italian Proverb
There is no coat big enough to hide both poverty and drunkenness.
Hungarian Proverb
Lending is the firstborn of poverty.
Nigerian Proverb
Youth spent freely, old age spent in poverty.
Sicilian Proverb
Poverty is no joy, although it sometimes makes you laugh.
Finnish Proverb
Poverty is the reward of idleness.
Dutch Proverb
No better masters than poverty and want.
Dutch Proverb
Shame lasts longer than poverty.
Dutch Proverb
Bear wealth, poverty will bear itself.
French Proverb
Poverty is crafty.
Russian Proverb
Poverty is a sin that the rich never forgive.
Russian Proverb
His wit got wings and would have flown, But poverty still kept him down.
Latin Proverb
Poverty does not destroy virtue nor wealth bestow it.
Colombian Proverb
Prosperity teaches one, and poverty puts one to shame.
Kashmir Proverb
There is no honor in poverty.
Klingon Proverb
When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out of the window.
Traditional Proverb