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Dance Proverbs - page 2
When lazy horses begin to start, old women to dance, and white clouds to rain, there is no stopping them.
Danish Proverb
If we pay for the music we will take part in the dance.
German Proverb
God is good, but never dance in a small boat.
Irish Proverb
When the cat is out the mouse can dance.
Irish Proverb
As they pipe to me, I will dance.
Portuguese Proverb
The man who can't dance thinks the band is no good.
Polish Proverb
To sing to the deaf, to talk with the dumb, and to dance for the blind are three foolish things.
Hindi Proverb
One who cannot dance blames the floor.
Hindi Proverb
They who sing through the summer must dance in the winter.
Italian Proverb
Do not choose your wife at a dance, but in the field among the harvesters.
Czech Proverb
A bear that dances in your neighbor's house might soon dance in yours.
Macedonian Proverb
When the cat's away, the rats dance on the table.
Swedish Proverb
Learn fe dance at home before you go abroad.
Jamaican Proverb
If you cannot dance, you will say the drumming is poor.
Jamaican Proverb
Those who can't dance say the music is no good.
Jamaican Proverb
With time, even a bear can learn to dance.
Yiddish Proverb
The girl who can't dance says the band can't play.
Yiddish Proverb
As you began the dance you may pay the piper.
Dutch Proverb
Only chained bears dance.
Russian Proverb
Dance to the tune that is played.
Spanish Proverb
When the cat is not home, the mice dance on the table.
Dutch Proverb
To watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak.
Hopi Indian Proverb