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Years Proverbs - page 4
If you are planning for one year, grow rice. If you are planning for 20 years grow trees. If you are planning for centuries, grow men.
Chinese Proverb
If you want a crop for one year, grow grain; if you want a crop for ten years, grow a tree; if you want a crop for a hundred years, grow men.
Chinese Proverb
It takes a tree ten years to mature; it takes a man one hundred years to form.
Chinese Proverb
It takes three years to learn to be a man of integrity; it only takes three days to degrade.
Chinese Proverb
Better die ten years early than live ten years poor.
Chinese Proverb
O man, you who do not live a hundred years, why fret a thousand minutes?
Chinese Proverb
Years know more than books.
American Proverb
You may poke a man's fire after you've known him for seven years.
English Proverb
A marriage in later years sends a letter to the grave digger.
German Proverb
Reason does not come before years.
German Proverb
Summer sown corn and women's advice turn out once in every seven years.
German Proverb
Years and sins are always more than admitted.
Italian Proverb
It will be all one a thousand years hence.
Romanian Proverb
It will be all the same a hundred years hence.
Romanian Proverb
What breaks in a moment may take years to mend.
Swedish Proverb
Other years other hairs.
Swedish Proverb
A cup of coffee commits one to forty years of friendship.
Kurdish Proverb
A man is as wise as his head, not his years.
Kurdish Proverb
After taking ninety-nine years to climb a stairway, the tortoise falls and says there is a curse on haste.
Maltese Proverb
The yew tree exists three hundred years: first green, then dry, then gone.
Corsican Proverb
A horse aged thirty: don't add any more years.
Corsican Proverb
If you plan for a year, plant kalo. If you plan for ten years, plant koa. If you plan for one-hundred years, teach the children.
Hawaiian Proverb