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Years Proverbs - page 2
One moment of intense happiness prolongs life by a thousand years.
Japanese Proverb
A single conversation with a wise man is better than ten years of study.
Chinese Proverb
A smile will gain you ten more years of life.
Chinese Proverb
A child and a fool imagine twenty shillings and twenty years can never be spent.
American Proverb
A fool can ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years.
English Proverb
All be the same in a hundred years.
English Proverb
Care brings on grey hairs, and age without years.
German Proverb
Revenge of an hundred years old hath still its sucking teeth.
German Proverb
A hundred years of wrong do not make an hour of right.
German Proverb
One minute of patience can mean ten years of peace.
Greek Proverb
One minute of patience, ten years of peace.
Greek Proverb
There are four things in this life of which we have more than we think: faults, debts, years and enemies.
Persian Proverb
The thief who steals another one is forgiven for 100 years.
Portuguese Proverb
Thief who steals thief has one hundred years of pardon.
Portuguese Proverb
One year's seeding makes seven years weeding.
Portuguese Proverb
The dog's tail, even if buried for twelve years, will remain as crooked as ever.
Hindi Proverb
For the first five years of your son's life treat him as a prince, for the next ten years as a slave, then as a friend for the rest of his life.
Hindi Proverb
Every ten years one man has need of another.
Italian Proverb
One minute of patience can result in ten years of peace.
Italian Proverb
Revenge a hundred years old has still its milk-teeth.
Italian Proverb
That happens in a moment which may not happen in a hundred years.
Italian Proverb
Years know more than books.
Italian Proverb