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Judge Proverbs - page 4
Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee.
Portuguese Proverb
Don't judge any man until you have walked two moons in his moccasins.
Hindi Proverb
Don't judge a horse by its harness.
Italian Proverb
There can be no judge without an accused.
Czech Proverb
He who is his own judge never finds a reason to condemn.
Jewish Proverb
Do not judge your fellow man until you have stood in his place.
Jewish Proverb
Judge a man not by the words of his mother, but from the comments of his neighbors.
Jewish Proverb
First improve yourself, and then judge others.
Jewish Proverb
Even an owl is a judge in her cave.
Hungarian Proverb
Don't judge every one by your own measure.
Romanian Proverb
Blind men should judge no colors.
Romanian Proverb
Don't judge the dog from its hairs.
Swedish Proverb
A blind man should not judge of colours.
Scottish Proverb
Blind men shoulna be judge o' colours.
Scottish Proverb
Judge wine by its taste, and bread by its color.
Sicilian Proverb
Who wants to judge needs to listen to the parties.
Sicilian Proverb
Don't judge a dog by its hair.
Finnish Proverb
Never judge a reindeer from close by when you got it from a rich man because you may find that some of the antlers are missing.
Finnish Proverb
A dealer in onions is a good judge of scallions.
French Proverb
A foolish judge passes brief sentence.
French Proverb
Tell God the truth, but give the judge money.
Russian Proverb
The belly is like a judge that is silent yet still asks questions.
Russian Proverb