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Judge Proverbs - page 2
Judge not, lest ye be judged.
English Proverb
Blind men should not judge of colours.
English Proverb
He hit me, started to cry, and went straight to the judge to sue me.
Arabic Proverb
I am a judge of cresses, said the peasant, as he was eating hemlock.
Danish Proverb
As you live yourself, you judge your neighbor.
Irish Proverb
No one is a good judge of his own case.
Portuguese Proverb
If you would be a good judge, hear what every one says.
Portuguese Proverb
Never judge a book by its cover.
Italian Proverb
A blind man is not judge of colours.
Italian Proverb
He wastes his tears who weeps before the judge.
Italian Proverb
It is better to be condemned by many doctors than by one judge.
Italian Proverb
Tenderness can be a bad judge.
Italian Proverb
It is the law that judges, not the judge.
Norwegian Proverb
Don't judge your life before it has ended.
Corsican Proverb
Fear the law not the judge.
Russian Proverb
A judge and a stomach do their asking in silence.
Russian Proverb
A golden handshake convinces even the most skeptical judge.
Russian Proverb
Tell God the truth, but give money to the judge.
Russian Proverb
Do not judge a person until the lid of his coffin is closed.
Chinese Proverb
Do not judge your neighbor until you walk two moons in his moccasins.
Cheyenne Proverb
You must not tell all that you know, nor judge all that you see, if you would live in peace.
Mexican Proverb
The good judge starts at home.
Mexican Proverb