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Foot Proverbs - page 4
A slip of the foot may soon be recovered; but that of the tongue perhaps never.
Danish Proverb
The foot of the owner is the best manure for his land.
Danish Proverb
It is a bad idea to take a thorn out of someone else's foot and put it into your own.
Danish Proverb
The foot of the farmer manures the field.
Danish Proverb
It is folly to take a thorn out of another's foot and put it into your own.
Danish Proverb
Better badly mounted than proud on foot.
German Proverb
Stand so much until grass grows under your foot.
Persian Proverb
Tell your friend your secret, and he will set his foot on your neck.
Portuguese Proverb
Better slip with the foot than with the tongue.
Italian Proverb
It is not spring until you can plant your foot upon twelve daisies.
Italian Proverb
Pride went out on horseback, and returned on foot.
Italian Proverb
The difficult thing is to get foot in the stirrup.
Italian Proverb
The same shoe does not fit every foot.
Italian Proverb
Tie me hand and foot and throw me among my own people.
Italian Proverb
He danced bound hand and foot.
Hungarian Proverb
He has already one foot in the grave.
Hungarian Proverb
Better a bare foot than none.
Romanian Proverb
Every shoe fits not every foot.
Romanian Proverb
A foul foot makes a son wemb.
Scottish Proverb
Keep something for a sair foot.
Scottish Proverb
Even the highest tree has an axe waiting at its foot.
Kurdish Proverb
The weak warrior wearing sandals overcomes the brave with a thorn in his foot.
Nigerian Proverb