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Foot Proverbs - page 2
With one foot in the grave.
German Proverb
He who has one foot in a brothel, has the other in a hospital.
German Proverb
He who would go further than his horse, must alight and go on foot.
German Proverb
It was not on one foot that St. Patrick came to Ireland.
Irish Proverb
The man with the boots does not mind where he places his foot.
Irish Proverb
There is never an old brogue but there is a foot to fit it.
Irish Proverb
He pushes it away with the hand, but pulls it forward with the foot.
Persian Proverb
The belly warm, the foot at rest.
Portuguese Proverb
Party over, musicians by foot.
Portuguese Proverb
Tell your secret to your friend and he will set his foot on your neck.
Italian Proverb
A sweaty foot seldom comes alone.
Czech Proverb
If the stomachache were in the foot, one would go lame.
Nigerian Proverb
A chicken sees the snake's foot and a snake sees the chicken's breast.
Thai Proverb
Swing a foot into thorns.
Thai Proverb
No all foot in a boot a good foot.
Jamaican Proverb
The foot pains in sympathy with the toe.
South African Proverb
The woman who always complains and is never satisfied with anything is like an annoying flea on the foot.
South African Proverb
Sickness comes on horseback, but goes away on foot.
Dutch Proverb
Better the foot slip than the tongue.
French Proverb
When you tell the truth, have one foot in the stirrup.
Turkish Proverb
He that speaks truth must have one foot in the stirrup.
Turkish Proverb
Give a clown your foot, and he'll take your hand.
Spanish Proverb