Proverbs around the world
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Year Proverbs - page 2
Never praise your son-in-law until the year is out.
Irish Proverb
An hour of play discovers more than a year of conversation (does).
Portuguese Proverb
With art and knavery we live through half the year; with knavery and art we live through the other.
Italian Proverb
Christmas comes but once a year.
Italian Proverb
If you would be rich in a year, you may be hanged in six months.
Italian Proverb
Speak not ill of the year until it is past.
Italian Proverb
Wait for a month before you praise a horse, and for a year before you praise a woman.
Czech Proverb
Even in the tiniest little chapel there are some prayers said once a year.
Czech Proverb
A life without love is like a year without summer.
Swedish Proverb
When April is rainy, and May is windy, the year will be fruitful.
Sicilian Proverb
If you still have money in the month of May, you'll have it the entire year.
Sicilian Proverb
One year ages the old, two years grow a child.
Finnish Proverb
Every day a thread makes a skein in the year.
Dutch Proverb
Better ride a good horse for a year, than an ass all your life.
Dutch Proverb
A young ewe and an old ram, every year bring forth a lamb.
Dutch Proverb
It is better to ride for half a year on a good horse than to spend your entire life riding on a mule.
Dutch Proverb
It is easier to bear a child once a year than to shave every day.
Russian Proverb
A child of a year old sucks milk from the heel.
Spanish Proverb
April and May make meal for the whole year.
Spanish Proverb
A bad habit that lasts more than a year may turn into a custom.
Ibo Proverb
A man who will go mad next year starts to roll up his sleeves this year.
Amharic Proverb
Sorrow for the death of a father lasts six months; sorrow for a mother, a year; sorrow for a wife, until another wife; sorrow for a son, forever.
Sanskrit Proverb