Proverbs around the world
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Behind Proverbs
Behind the clouds the sky is always blue.
Norwegian Proverb
Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.
New Zealander Proverb
Don't burn your bridges behind you.
English Proverb
Don't let women who attract attention walk behind you.
Cambodian Proverb
Seize the opportunity by the beard, for it is bald behind.
Bulgarian Proverb
A blind man sat behind a pile of stones and thought that nobody could see him.
Hindi Proverb
Behind every mountain lies a valley.
Dutch Proverb
Although he who walks behind an elephant may feel very secure, he is likely to get splattered with elephant dung.
Lao Proverb
One who does not look ahead remains behind.
Brazilian Proverb
Do not allow the Gypsies to lure you out behind the furnace.
Lower Austria Proverb
Behind every able man, there are always other able men.
Chinese Proverb
You must walk a long while behind a wild goose before you find an ostrich feather.
Danish Proverb
Every tear has a smile behind it.
Persian Proverb
Never stand in front of a judge or behind a donkey.
Hindi Proverb
Behind the dog it is "dog,” in front of it, it's "mister dog.”.
Jamaican Proverb
Behind the cross stands the devil.
Dutch Proverb
To put the horse behind the cart.
Dutch Proverb
As stupid as a pig's behind.
Dutch Proverb
He who doesn't look ahead gets left behind.
Venezuelan Proverb
Beautiful from behind, ugly in front.
Kiganda Proverb
Behave like the chameleon: look forward and observe behind.
Madagascan Proverb
Roosters' tail feathers: pretty but always behind.
Madagascan Proverb