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Cry Proverbs - page 3
I cried when I was born and as each day passes I know why.
Spanish Proverb
Sing before breakfast, cry before night.
Latin Proverb
Sorrow also sings, when it runs to deep to cry.
Mexican Proverb
Don't be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts.
Native American Proverb
Never be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts.
Hopi Indian Proverb
Hear the warrior cry out.
Klingon Proverb
We come and cry and that is life, we cry and go and that is death.
Traditional Proverb
Laugh before breakfast, you'll cry before supper.
Traditional Proverb
A baby cannot be heard crying in his mother's womb.
Bamfinu Proverb
The mouse fell from the ceiling, and the cat cried "Allah!".
Styrian Proverb
A bee stinging a crying face.
Japanese Proverb
It is the same life whether we spend it crying or laughing.
Japanese Proverb
Your years will still remain the same whether you laugh or cry.
Japanese Proverb
The spot that makes the warrior benkei cry.
Japanese Proverb
A cloudy sky doesn't always cry rain.
African Proverb
Good resolutions are like babies crying in church, they should be carried out immediately.
African Proverb
Tears will not stop flowing for someone who is crying for himself.
African Proverb
Soldiers don't cry.
African Proverb
A boy may cry; but a man as to conceal his pain.
African Proverb
When a girl whistles, the angels cry.
American Proverb
You can't see the sun when you're crying.
American Proverb
Laugh before breakfast and you'll cry before lunch.
English Proverb