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Meat Proverbs - page 2
One man's meat is another man's poison.
English Proverb
Meat is much, but manners is better.
English Proverb
Kill no more than you can salt, or you will have tainted meat.
Danish Proverb
Priestly knaves sweat hard at their meat, but never at work get into a heat.
German Proverb
As honest as a cat when the meat is out of reach.
Irish Proverb
Much meat, much maladies.
Portuguese Proverb
Lean meat from a fat pig.
Portuguese Proverb
A cat that licks the spit is not to be trusted with roast meat.
Italian Proverb
Sweet meat requires sour sauce.
Italian Proverb
Better a mouse in the pot than no meat at all.
Romanian Proverb
Milk for a child, meat for a man, beer for the old.
Welsh Proverb
The nearer the bone, the sweeter the meat.
Jamaican Proverb
Who looks for meat will find a bone.
Estonian Proverb
Don't have the appetite of Miss Julia who, when she had meat, wanted chick peas.
Sicilian Proverb
A cat always knows whose meat it eats.
Russian Proverb
When you can't get meat, chickens and bacon are good.
Spanish Proverb
Better to eat beans in peace than to eat meat in distress.
Guatemalan Proverb
As the meat, so its broth.
Altay Proverb
Meat and mass never hindered man.
Moroccan Proverb
Before one cooks, one must have the meat.
Niger Proverb
Much meat, much disease.
Traditional Proverb
No one roasts rotten meat and puts it in the mouth of their friend and then says ‘you mouth stinks.'
Tshi Proverb