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Bed Proverbs - page 4
He that seeks a horse or a wife without fault, has neither steed in his stable nor angel in his bed.
English Proverb
A lazy boy and a warm bed are difficult to part.
Danish Proverb
Who makes his bed on the morrow; goes all day without sorrow.
German Proverb
Early to rise and late to bed, lifts again the debtor's head.
German Proverb
He who sleeps in a silver bed has golden dreams.
German Proverb
He who goes to bed with dogs, will wake up with fleas.
German Proverb
No bed is big enough to hold three.
German Proverb
The fireside is the tulip bed of a winter day.
Persian Proverb
Bed is the poor man's opera.
Italian Proverb
A new sieve is on a nail, then it gets under the bed.
Hungarian Proverb
To get out of the bed on the wrong side.
Hungarian Proverb
As one makes his bed, so he sleeps his dream.
Hungarian Proverb
There belongs mair to a bed nor four bare leggs.
Scottish Proverb
Last in bed, best heard.
Scottish Proverb
Laith to bed and laith to rise.
Scottish Proverb
You've made your bed, so you can lie in it.
Faroese Proverb
To make your neighbor jealous, go to bed early and get up early.
Corsican Proverb
Bed rest cures a hurt leg and a sling heals a hurting arm.
Sicilian Proverb
It's a bad sign when the sick person tosses and turns in bed.
Sicilian Proverb
The bed of the Dominicans, the table of the Capuccins, and the luxury of the Benedictines.
Sicilian Proverb
The sick bed makes the doctor.
Sicilian Proverb
Who drinks at night, buys himself death, who drinks in bed, buys himself a coffin.
Sicilian Proverb