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Cold Proverbs - page 4
A dead enemy is as good as a cold friend.
American Proverb
Revenge is a dish best served cold.
English Proverb
The longest at the fire soonest finds cold.
English Proverb
Cold pudding settles love.
English Proverb
Pride costs us more than hunger, thirst, and cold.
English Proverb
Good words cool more than cold water.
English Proverb
Revenge is a dish that should be eaten cold.
English Proverb
You are striking cold iron.
Arabic Proverb
It makes no sense to try to forge the iron whilst it is still cold.
Arabic Proverb
God sends men cold according to their clothes.
Danish Proverb
Marriage is the opposite to a fever attack; it begins very hot and ends very cold.
German Proverb
God gives clothes according to the cold.
Portuguese Proverb
A scalded cat fears cold water.
Portuguese Proverb
A scalded cat dreads cold water.
Hindi Proverb
Without ceres and Bacchus, Venus grows cold.
Romanian Proverb
Cold cools the love that kindles over hot.
Scottish Proverb
Let them that are cold blow at the coal.
Scottish Proverb
God sends men cold, as they have clothes to.
Scottish Proverb
It's a cold coal to blow at.
Scottish Proverb
Little kens the wife that sits by the fire, how the wind blows cold in hurle-burle swyre.
Scottish Proverb
Ye seek hot water under cold ice.
Scottish Proverb
Midday sun is the remedy for a cold.
Nigerian Proverb