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Cold Proverbs - page 3
As the day lengthens, so the cold strengthens.
Spanish Proverb
Fox's broth, cold and scalding.
Spanish Proverb
Every one feels the cold according as he is clad.
Spanish Proverb
God sends cold after clothes.
Spanish Proverb
Even over cold pudding, the coward says: "it will burn my mouth.”.
Ethiopian Proverb
If you wait for the roasted liver to cool it will get cold in someone else's mouth.
African Proverb
Always assume your guest is tired, cold and hungry, and act accordingly.
Native American Proverb
Going to be a cold day in hell.
African American Proverb
When cold revenge is served, the dish is always very good.
Klingon Proverb
If the qivon is cold, the blood is hot.
Klingon Proverb
All we can hold in our cold dead hands is what we have given away.
Sanskrit Proverb
There is no such thing as dirty clothes when it is cold.
Japanese Proverb
You warm up something for ten days and it goes cold in one.
Japanese Proverb
If you make love in the shade you get cold.
Japanese Proverb
A woman is like a blanket: If you cover yourself with it, it bothers you; if you throw it aside you will feel the cold.
Ghana Proverb
Because men do not like the cold, Heaven does not cause winter to cease.
Chinese Proverb
If the lips are gone, the teeth will grow cold.
Chinese Proverb
It takes more than one cold day for a river to freeze three feet deep.
Chinese Proverb
Better the cold blast of winter than the hot breath of a pursuing elephant.
Chinese Proverb
The house rat who goes swimming with his friend the lizard will die from cold.
African Proverb
He who lends out his door should be ready for the cold blowing wind.
African Proverb
Never lose heart because whatever is hot must in the end turn cold.
African Proverb