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Wealth Proverbs - page 3
Let him speak soft words and offer wealth who longs for a woman's love.
Norse Proverb
A good wife and health are a man's best wealth.
Traditional Proverb
Wealth makes many friends.
Biblical Proverb
Life has always been a mixture of joy and pain, wealth and poverty.
Dominican Proverb
May your charity increase as much as your wealth.
Eskimo Proverb
Blessings are better than wealth.
Swahili Proverb
Wealth, if you use it, comes to an end; learning, if you use it, increases.
Swahili Proverb
Sorrow is the seed of wealth.
Japanese Proverb
Wealth gets in the way of wisdom.
Japanese Proverb
Wealth is but dung, useful only when spread about.
Chinese Proverb
Covet wealth, and want it; don't, and luck will grant it.
Chinese Proverb
One courts misfortune by flaunting wealth.
Chinese Proverb
If you share a man's wealth, try to lessen his misfortune.
Chinese Proverb
Unjustly obtained wealth is as snow sprinkled with hot water.
Chinese Proverb
Great wealth is a gift from heaven; moderate wealth results from frugality.
Chinese Proverb
Your brother's pocket cannot keep your wealth.
African Proverb
Where there is no wealth there is no poverty.
African Proverb
A man's wealth may be superior to him.
African Proverb
Knowledge is better than wealth, you have to look after wealth, but knowledge looks after you.
African Proverb
Poverty without debt is real wealth.
African Proverb
Ability is the poor man's wealth.
American Proverb
Wealth consists not of having great possessions but of having few wants.
American Proverb