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Yet Proverbs - page 3
Crimes may be secret, yet not secure.
Italian Proverb
He is like the anchor that is always in the sea, yet does not learn to swim.
Italian Proverb
Many a one threatens and yet is afraid.
Italian Proverb
Willows are weak, yet serve to bind bigger wood.
Italian Proverb
The tongue is not steel, yet it cuts.
Romanian Proverb
The calf isn't even born yet and there he is sharpening his carving knife.
Lithuanian Proverb
A termite grows up in dry wood, and yet comes to maturity.
South African Proverb
It's vain to learn wisdom yet live foolishly.
Dutch Proverb
I never saw an oft-removed tree, nor yet an oft-removed family, that throve so well as one that settled be.
French Proverb
Fedot, yet not the one.
Russian Proverb
Fedot, yet not the right one.
Russian Proverb
Makes the bed soft, yet hard to sleep.
Russian Proverb
The point in question is yet undecided.
Turkish Proverb
A Portuguese apprentice who can't sew, yet would be cutting out.
Spanish Proverb
God take you, pound, drunk out and not yet spun.
Spanish Proverb
She who does not yet know how to walk, cannot climb a ladder.
Ethiopian Proverb
Thunder is not yet rain.
Kenyan Proverb
While life yet lasts, laughter and molasses.
Mexican Proverb
No river can return to its source, yet all rivers must have a beginning.
Native American Proverb
Man is learning all his life and yet he dies in ignorance.
Yugoslav Proverb
Beautiful discourse is rarer than emerald, yet it can be found among the servant girls at the grindstones.
Egyptian Proverb
Many talk like philosophers yet live like fools.
Traditional Proverb