Proverbs around the world
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None Proverbs - page 4
He who forces love when none is found, remains a fool the whole year round.
German Proverb
Where there's money, there is the devil; but where there's none, a greater evil.
German Proverb
He who undertakes too many jobs does none.
Bulgarian Proverb
The greyhound that starts many hares kills none.
Portuguese Proverb
Jack of all trades and master of none.
Portuguese Proverb
A golden bit makes none the better horse.
Italian Proverb
None so deaf as he that will not hear.
Italian Proverb
He who esteems none but himself is as happy as a king.
Italian Proverb
Many a friend was lost through a joke, but none was ever gained so.
Czech Proverb
Tongue breaks bone and herself has none.
Romanian Proverb
Truth finds foes, where it makes none.
Romanian Proverb
Better a bare foot than none.
Romanian Proverb
One and none is all one.
Romanian Proverb
None more bare than the shoemaker's wife and the smith's mare.
Romanian Proverb
There's none so deaf as those who will not hear.
Romanian Proverb
None says his garner is full.
Romanian Proverb
None so old that he hopes not for a year of life.
Romanian Proverb
Today a man, tomorrow none.
Romanian Proverb
There would be no slanderers if none would listen to them.
Swedish Proverb
He who hath gold hath fear, and he who hath none has sorrow.
Scottish Proverb
They are good willy of their Horse that hes none.
Scottish Proverb
If hunger forces a farmer in a particular year to eat both his yam tubers and the seed-yams, the succeeding years would still be worse because he would have no yams to eat and none to plant.
Nigerian Proverb