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Advice to all, security for none.
American Proverb
All complain for want of memory, but none for want of judgement.
American Proverb
There are many kinds of fruit that grow on the tree of life, but none so sweet as friendship.
American Proverb
None are deceived but they that confide.
American Proverb
None are so blind as those who refuse to see.
American Proverb
Anyone can start a rumor, but none can stop one.
American Proverb
Education is a gift that none can take away.
American Proverb
Naught's a naught and figger's a figger – all for the white man and none for the nigger.
American Proverb
None but the wise man can employ leisure well.
American Proverb
Advise none to marry or go to war.
English Proverb
Jack of all trades and master of none.
English Proverb
None so deaf as those who will not hear.
English Proverb
You'll beguile none but those that trust you.
English Proverb
Advice to all, security for none.
English Proverb
All complain for want of memory, but none for want of judgement.
English Proverb
None knows the weight of another's burden.
English Proverb
A small bolt to the house is better than none at all.
Danish Proverb
All wish to live long, but none to be called old.
Danish Proverb
None so deaf as those who won't hear.
Danish Proverb
You cannot take a cow from a man who has none.
Danish Proverb
No man is so tall that he need never stretch and none so small that he need never stoop.
Danish Proverb
Who makes no promises, has none to perform.
German Proverb