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Fight Proverbs - page 4
As a snipe and a clam are entangled in a fight, a fisherman catch them both.
Chinese Proverb
Fight a wolf with a flex stalk.
Chinese Proverb
Fight only when you can win; move away when you cannot.
Chinese Proverb
Fight poison with poison.
Chinese Proverb
If you want an audience, start a fight.
Chinese Proverb
Sit atop the mountain and watch the tigers fight.
Chinese Proverb
A horse may take the warrior to the battlefield but can never fight.
African Proverb
A person who sells eggs doesn't start a fight in the market.
African Proverb
A regular fighter who discords peace is bound to be fought by his own anger.
African Proverb
Don't beat the drums of war unless you're ready to fight.
African Proverb
If two brothers fight over their father's land, it is a stranger who will enjoy there sweat and labour.
African Proverb
If you're not at the war front its easy to assume we didn't put up a good fight.
African Proverb
When two ageing good friends fight, it's because of an old grouch.
African Proverb
Never mock a fowl with raffled feathers it might have won a fight.
African Proverb
He that fought the lion must surely have the lion's claws in his body.
African Proverb
When two elephants fight, it is the grass that gets trampled.
African Proverb
He that fights and runs away may live to fight another day.
American Proverb
It requires more courage not to fight than to fight.
American Proverb
Fight fire with fire.
English Proverb
When there is no enemy it is safe to fight.
German Proverb
Councils of war never fight.
German Proverb
Either fight not with priests or beat them to death.
German Proverb