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Fruit Proverbs - page 3
An udara fruit that falls by the roadside must want to be picked up and eaten.
Ibo Proverb
An udara fruit that falls on the side of the road is asking to be eaten.
Ibo Proverb
Let none put faith in the first sown fruit.
Norse Proverb
From the tree of silence hands the fruit of tranquility.
Peruvian Proverb
The chakata fruit on the ground belongs to all, but the one on the tree is for she who can climb.
Shona Proverb
Intelligence is a fruit picked in the neighbour's garden.
Batabwa Proverb
Who wakes and rises at the first cry of the songbird collects the best fruit of the night.
Beti Proverb
One generation plants the trees, the next eats the fruit.
Darkovan Proverb
He who enjoys the first fruit of a country is son of that country.
Swahili Proverb
A tree is known by its fruit.
African Proverb
He is a fool who praises the fruit of a tree and forgets its roots.
African Proverb
When the fruit fails, welcome haws.
American Proverb
Action is the proper fruit of knowledge.
American Proverb
There are many kinds of fruit that grow on the tree of life, but none so sweet as friendship.
American Proverb
The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.
American Proverb
If you would enjoy the fruit, pluck not the flower.
American Proverb
If you would enjoy its fruit, pluck not the blossom.
American Proverb
No root, no fruit.
English Proverb
Year of snow fruit will grow.
English Proverb
Не that would eat the fruit must climb the tree.
English Proverb
Conversation is like making love; the man is the question, the woman the answer, and the union of both will bear fruit.
Arabic Proverb
The fruit of timidity is neither gain nor loss.
Arabic Proverb