Proverbs around the world
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Fruit Proverbs
The branch that bears the most fruit bends itself thankfully towards the ground.
Persian Proverb
The best of mankind is a farmer the best food is fruit.
Ethiopian Proverb
A woman's belly is a garden with many kinds of fruit.
Arabic Proverb
Forbidden fruit tastes best.
Czech Proverb
You don't have to cut a tree down to get at the fruit.
Cambodian Proverb
The patient thief is as a tree whose root runs deep as he waits for the sweet fruit..
Gypsy Proverb
Not all the tree's blossoms will bear fruit.
Mauritania Proverb
Not all the flowers of a tree produce fruit.
Mauritania Proverb
The trees with most leaves will not necessarily produce juicy fruit.
Brazilian Proverb
Tree would bend when it bears fruit.
Azerbaijani Proverb
Bitter fruit will fall before the ripe.
Italian Proverb
Large trees give more shade than fruit.
Italian Proverb
When eating the fruit, think of the person who planted the tree.
Vietnamese Proverb
Correction bringeth fruit.
Dutch Proverb
An ass does not appreciate fruit compote.
Turkish Proverb
The prickly pear has company only when it bears fruit.
Mexican Proverb
Everyone stones the tree that bears fruit.
Mexican Proverb
Vanity blossoms but bears no fruit.
Nepal Proverb
What you give to others bears fruit for yourself.
Senegalese Proverb
A fruit tree that grows in a dung heap will certainly blossom.
Zanzibar Proverb
A ripened fruit does not cling to the vine.
Zimbabwe Proverb
Away from home the girl picks forbidden fruit.
Bantu Proverb