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Break Proverbs - page 3
Do not throw a stone at the mouse and break the precious vase.
Spanish Proverb
Patience can break through iron doors.
Yugoslav Proverb
You do not need a big stick to break a cock's head.
Akan Proverb
I'm not going to lend you a stick to break my head with.
African American Proverb
The hyena of your own country does not break your bones.
Giryama Proverb
When a very short man causes the market to break up in a big fight, bystanders ask him to stand up so that they can see how short he really is.
Ibo Proverb
If you want to eat pipius claw, you'll have to break a few pipiuses.
Klingon Proverb
Even if your bee-hive has no honey in it, you shouldn't break it up.
Lamba Proverb
Be never the first with friend of thine to break the bond of fellowship.
Norse Proverb
Even if your bee-hive has no honey in it, you shouldn't break it up.
Bantu Proverb
Kiss any arm you cannot break, a and pray to God to break it.
Styrian Proverb
The responsibility of power is like holding an egg. Grasp it too tightly and it will drip through your fingers; hold it too loosely and it will drop and break.
Ghana Proverb
A bride received into the home is like a horse that you have just bought; you break her in by constantly mounting her and continually beating her.
Chinese Proverb
Too many cooks, cooking at the same time makes the day take long to break.
African Proverb
Those who do not forgive break the bridge on which they have to pass.
African Proverb
It's better to fall from a tree and a break your back than to fall in love and break your heart.
African Proverb
If you break a coconut on a man's head, he will not enjoy eating it.
African Proverb
It's better to break than to bend.
African Proverb
He who is to break his neck finds the stairs in the dark.
American Proverb
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.
English Proverb
You may break a horse's back, be he never so strong.
English Proverb
You have to break a few eggs to make an omelette.
English Proverb