Proverbs around the world
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Ones Proverbs - page 4
True friends are like diamonds, precious and rare; false ones like autumn leaves, found everywhere.
American Proverb
One rotten apple can spoil a lot of good ones.
American Proverb
Great trees keep little ones down.
American Proverb
Old friends are the best, but new ones are the most fun.
American Proverb
God looks to clean hands, not to full ones.
English Proverb
Good deeds banish bad ones.
Arabic Proverb
The purest people are the ones with good manners.
Arabic Proverb
While the great bells are ringing no one hears the little ones.
Danish Proverb
Little sorrows are loud, great ones silent.
Danish Proverb
As the old ones sing, the young ones twitter.
Danish Proverb
You may cook in small pots aw well as in large ones.
Danish Proverb
Little sticks kindle a fire, great ones put it out.
Danish Proverb
We hang little thieves, and take off our hats to great ones.
German Proverb
Petty thieves are hanged, you take off your hat to the big ones.
German Proverb
He who takes no care of little things, will not have the care of great ones.
German Proverb
Better one living word than a hundred dead ones.
German Proverb
As the old birds sings, the young ones twitter.
German Proverb
The greatest things are done by the help of small ones.
German Proverb
The drunk ones will sober up, but the mad ones will not clever up.
Bengali Proverb
How did you rear so many children? By being fondest of the little ones.
Portuguese Proverb
The purse of loved ones is tied with a gossamer thread.
Italian Proverb
Little thieves are hanged by the neck, great ones by the purse.
Italian Proverb