Proverbs around the world
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Ones Proverbs - page 2
Good memories last long, bad ones last longer.
Czech Proverb
When the elderly ones in a house travel, the younger ones quickly grow in experience.
Nigerian Proverb
He who does not fart lets out silent ones.
Maltese Proverb
Big fish devour the little ones.
Dutch Proverb
He invites future injuries who rewards past ones.
Dutch Proverb
The big fish eat the little ones.
French Proverb
One bad general is better than two good ones.
French Proverb
A beaten one is worth two unbeaten ones.
Russian Proverb
Don't be so clever; cleverer ones than you are in jail.
Russian Proverb
When big bells ring, little ones are not heard.
Serbian Proverb
Old debts are not paid, and new ones are left to get old.
Mexican Proverb
The path leads towards loved ones not thorns.
Duala Proverb
Distant hills look beautiful; near ones are ugly.
Goan Proverb
We are the ones we have been waiting for.
Hopi Indian Proverb
The bachelors crave to get married, and the married ones regret they got married.
Kashmir Proverb
The bachelors crave it, and the married ones regret it.
Kashmir Proverb
Always it is the brave ones who die.
Klingon Proverb
The ones that matter most are the children. They are the true human beings.
Lakota Proverb
A stolen object does not fill ones heart with joy.
Mongo Proverb
The first thing one should own is a home; and it is the last thing one should sell; for a home is ones tomb this side of heaven.
Moroccan Proverb
Do not whirl a snake in the air when you have killed it; the ones which remain in their holes see you.
Tongan Proverb
Great thieves punish little ones.
Traditional Proverb