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Teeth Proverbs
When the tide of misfortune moves over you, even jelly will break your teeth.
Persian Proverb
A cat in her house has the teeth of a lion.
Somali Proverb
God gives almonds to one who has no teeth.
Spanish Proverb
He is a fool who marries an old woman without teeth.
Somali Proverb
The teeth of the puppy are growing, while the old dog is gnawing bones.
Danish Proverb
The teeth are smiling, but is the heart?
African Congo Proverb
If you are not going to bite, don't show your teeth.
Ivorian Proverb
In the village that you don't know, the chickens have teeth.
Ivorian Proverb
Teeth will never quarrel with the tongue.
Ivorian Proverb
I will not bite any dog,” says the shepherd's dog, "for I must save my teeth for the wolf.
German Proverb
They don't count the teeth of a gift horse.
Persian Proverb
One doesn't examine the teeth of a gift horse.
Portuguese Proverb
The tongue is safe; even among thirty teeth.
Hindi Proverb
The teeth and the tongue are close neighbors, and yet they sometimes bite each other.
Somali Proverb
The teeth sometimes bite the tongue.
Malawi Proverb
Allah gives dried beans to eat to him who has no teeth left.
Moroccan Proverb
He who eats when he is full digs his grave with his teeth.
Moroccan Proverb
If you had teeth of steel, you could eat iron coconuts.
Senegalese Proverb
The only difference between the cucumber and water is the moving of the teeth.
Tunisian Proverb
The teeth that laugh are also those that bite.
West African Proverb
A woman without teeth shall be left to the lions.
Zambian Proverb
If you have no teeth, do not break the clay cooking pot.
Zambian Proverb