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Open Proverbs - page 4
The doorway to charity is difficult to open and difficult to close.
Chinese Proverb
The door to virtue is heavy and hard to open.
Chinese Proverb
Your mind is like a parachute; it only works when it's open.
African Proverb
A rat with many offspring always sleeps with his door open.
African Proverb
An open mind only hurts those who fear their own mistakes.
African Proverb
If you stoop to see your neighbour's anus, then your own anus is wide open for others to see, even more easily and clearly.
African Proverb
If you want visitors then you leave your front door open.
African Proverb
Minds are like parachutes; they only function when they are open.
African Proverb
A man has to hold his mouth open a long time before a roasted partridge flies into it.
African Proverb
Open your ears to the ancestors and you will understand the language of spirits.
African Proverb
When fortune knocks, open the door.
American Proverb
An open gate lets stock out.
American Proverb
Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut afterwards.
American Proverb
A man without a smiling face must not open a shop.
American Proverb
Before marriage open your eyes wide; afterwards close them tightly.
American Proverb
False friends are worse than open enemies.
American Proverb
Good clothes open all doors.
English Proverb
False friends are worse than open enemies.
English Proverb
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
English Proverb
Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open.
English Proverb
He who doesn't open his eyes when he buys must still open his purse to pay.
Danish Proverb
If you cannot heal the wound, do not tear it open.
Danish Proverb