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Open Proverbs - page 3
An open path never seems long.
Corsican Proverb
Open your eyes and your ears when contracting, because the agreed upon circumstances mean a lot.
Sicilian Proverb
The open door invites the thief.
Dutch Proverb
A bad bush is better than an open field.
French Proverb
Bury truth in a golden coffin, it will break it open.
Russian Proverb
Trouble is here, so open the gates.
Russian Proverb
Where friars abound keep your eyes open.
Spanish Proverb
A peasant will stand on the top of a hill for a very long time with his mouth open before a roast duck will fly in.
Spanish Proverb
Unless you call out, who will open the door?
Ethiopian Proverb
The heart is a locket that does not open easily.
Duala Proverb
Keep your ears open.
Klingon Proverb
Whim rules the child, and weather the field, each is open to chance.
Norse Proverb
Have faith and the way will open.
Quaker Proverb
Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open.
Traditional Proverb
Open rebuke is better than secret love.
Biblical Proverb
A bean-jam rice cake into the open mouth.
Japanese Proverb
Where a chest lieth open, a righteous man may sin.
Chinese Proverb
To open a business is very easy; to keep it open is very difficult.
Chinese Proverb
It is easy to open a store -- the hard part is keeping it open.
Chinese Proverb
Jails are always closed yet full, while temples are always open yet empty.
Chinese Proverb
If heaven drops you a date, it must be received with an open mouth.
Chinese Proverb
Any book you open will benefit your mind.
Chinese Proverb