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Run Proverbs - page 2
The still swine eat the mash. the wind ones run past it.
Danish Proverb
What good is it to run when you're on the wrong road?
German Proverb
Better to go to bed supperless than run in debt.
German Proverb
You never miss the water till the well has run dry.
Irish Proverb
Learn to walk before you run.
Greek Proverb
Trust the virgin and don't run.
Portuguese Proverb
You must grease the wheels if you would have the car run.
Italian Proverb
In the long run even a dog will compromise with the cat.
Hungarian Proverb
Much water has run in the danube sine then.
Hungarian Proverb
If you run from a wolf, you may run into a bear.
Lithuanian Proverb
Wha sweet nanny-goat a go run him belly.
Jamaican Proverb
Hog run fe him life, darg run fe him character.
Jamaican Proverb
We run t'ings, t'ings noh run we.
Jamaican Proverb
I wish that he would sink as deep in the ground as a hare can run in ten years.
Dutch Proverb
Learn to creep before you run.
Dutch Proverb
They are fools whose sheep run away twice.
Dutch Proverb
Let God's waters run over God's acres.
Dutch Proverb
When the wine is run out, you stop the leak.
Russian Proverb
Water does not run under a lying stone.
Russian Proverb
A thousand years hence the river will run as it did.
Turkish Proverb
If you want to live and thrive, let the spider run alive.
Spanish Proverb
To flee and to run are not all one.
Spanish Proverb