Proverbs around the world
Proverbs of the day
Top proverbs
Beautiful Proverbs
Anything forced is not beautiful.
Bulgarian Proverb
It is beautiful to do nothing and then rest afterwards.
Spanish Proverb
The most beautiful fig may contain a worm.
African Zulu Proverb
Even the most beautiful sheets have small flaws.
Portuguese Proverb
The most beautiful things in the universe are the starry heavens above us and the feeling of duty within us.
Hindi Proverb
Patience is the most beautiful prayer.
Hindi Proverb
A beautiful woman belongs to everyone; an ugly one is yours alone.
Hindi Proverb
Everything new is beautiful.
Italian Proverb
Only a certain amount of flowers and jewels are beautiful.
Tibetan Proverb
Beautiful woman, beautiful trouble.
Jamaican Proverb
Where the hostess is beautiful the wine is tasty.
French Proverb
How beautiful to watch the rain and not get wet.
Mexican Proverb
Dress up a stick and it'll be a beautiful bride.
Egyptian Proverb
A beautiful thing is never perfect.
Egyptian Proverb
You are beautiful; but learn to work, for you cannot eat your beauty.
African Congo Proverb
Beautiful from behind, ugly in front.
Kiganda Proverb
Three things cause sorrow to flee; water, green trees, and a beautiful face.
Moroccan Proverb
The rainbow would be even more beautiful if the show was not for free.
Netherlands Antillean Proverb
Every woman beautiful till she speaks.
Zimbabwe Proverb
Patience is the mother of a beautiful child.
Bantu Proverb
The child who died too soon was always beautiful and intelligent.
Japanese Proverb
Apple blossoms are beautiful, but rice dumplings are better.
Japanese Proverb