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Kill Proverbs - page 3
The whole arena tells them to kill the bull, yet the bull should kill no one.
Mexican Proverb
When the hen steps on the feet of her chicken, she does not mean to kill them.
Akan Proverb
Never kill a man who says nothing.
Ibo Proverb
If a young man is not prudent in seeking what killed his father, what killed his father may also kill him.
Ibo Proverb
Whichever son is able should bury his father. The first son did not kill him.
Ibo Proverb
Do not kill an animal unless you intened to eat it.
Klingon Proverb
Klingons kill for their own purposes.
Klingon Proverb
Words can kill before arms.
Nilotic Proverb
The medicine that cures the tailor can kill the shoemaker.
Scanian Proverb
Ignorance doesn't kill you, but it will make you sweat a lot.
Tahitian Proverb
The hyena does not forget where it has hidden its kill.
Tongan Proverb
That which you do not need will kill you.
Tuareg Proverb
What don't kill does fatten.
Bajan Proverb
If you kill a little hippopotamus, you also kill his mother.
Bangala Proverb
As the lion said, ‘I will kill your lambs and you will remember my presence.'
Botswana Proverb
A wepon which you don't have in hand wont kill a snake.
Swahili Proverb
One finger canot kill a louse.
Swahili Proverb
You cannot kill an elephant with bullets of wax.
Ghana Proverb
Kill a hen to get the egg.
Chinese Proverb
Kill one to warn a hundred.
Chinese Proverb
Kill the chicken to frighten the monkey.
Chinese Proverb
Kill two vultures with one arrow.
Chinese Proverb