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Kill Proverbs
To kill two birds with one stone.
English Proverb
The stick that breaks the window does not kill a dog.
Gypsy Proverb
It's hard to kill a bad thing.
Irish Proverb
You can kill a dog more way than by choking it with butter.
Irish Proverb
Neither handsome enough to kill nor ugly enough to frighten away.
Portuguese Proverb
Many dogs kill a hare, no matter how many turns it makes.
Hindi Proverb
Do not draw your sword to kill a fly.
Korean Proverb
Kill your anger while it is small.
Slovak Proverb
Judges and physicians kill with impunity.
Russian Proverb
Just because he harmed your goat, do not go out and kill his bull.
Kenyan Proverb
A heavy burden does not kill on the day it is carried.
Kenyan Proverb
Because a man has injured your goat, do not go out and kill his bull.
Kenyan Proverb
If it does not kill you, it will bring you happiness.
Native American Proverb
You can't kill a dog just to save a cat's tail.
Puerto Rican Proverb
You don't kill a gypsy by cutting him in ten pieces -- you only make ten more gypsies.
Gypsy Proverb
One little arrow does not kill a serpent.
Malawi Proverb
Never kill the cat that cries.
Namibian Proverb
One thumb alone does not kill a louse.
Palestinian Proverb
Sorrow doesn't kill - reckless joy does.
West African Proverb
In trying to straighten the horns you kill the ox.
Japanese Proverb
The tongue is but three inches long, yet it can kill a man six feet high.
Japanese Proverb
The witch kills "he ate and he did not give me”, but she does not kill, "he gave me too little.”.
Ghana Proverb