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Fox Proverbs - page 4
Take care of your geese when the fox preaches.
Danish Proverb
It is difficult to trap an old fox.
Danish Proverb
When the goose trusts the fox then woe to her neck.
Danish Proverb
Relatives are the worst friends, said the fox as the dogs took after him.
Danish Proverb
An old fox does not run twice into the snare.
German Proverb
What the lion cannot manage to do the fox can.
German Proverb
It is a poor fox that has but one hole.
German Proverb
What the lion cannot, the fox can.
German Proverb
When the fox wants to catch geese, he wags his tail.
German Proverb
Nothing falls into the mouth of a sleeping fox.
Portuguese Proverb
Hunger will lead a fox out of the forest.
Polish Proverb
The fox which was caught in a snare called: If I shall not get the whole chicken, I will not be satisfied with the drumstick.
Georgian Proverb
Though the fox runs, the pullets have wings.
Italian Proverb
Every fox likes a henroost.
Italian Proverb
A sleeping fox catches no hare, chicken.
Hungarian Proverb
At length the fox is brought to the furrier.
Romanian Proverb
At length the fox turns monk.
Romanian Proverb
The sleepy fox has seldom feathered breakfasts.
Romanian Proverb
He sets the fox to keep his geese.
Romanian Proverb
When the fox preaches then beware your geese.
Romanian Proverb
An old fox needs learn no craft.
Romanian Proverb
For lack of hens the fox catches crows.
Swedish Proverb