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Fox Proverbs - page 2
Putting the fox to mind the geese.
Irish Proverb
They said to the fox, the fox said to its tail.
Bulgarian Proverb
The fox falls into the trap only once.
Bulgarian Proverb
When the fox cannot reach the grapes he says they are not ripe.
Greek Proverb
The fox that waits until the chicken falls from the perch dies from hunger.
Greek Proverb
The fox knows much, but more he that catcheth him.
Portuguese Proverb
With the fox one must play the fox.
Italian Proverb
The fox said the grapes were sour.
Italian Proverb
Through being too knowing the fox lost his tail.
Italian Proverb
The more the fox is cursed, the more prey he catches.
Italian Proverb
If a fox is preaching, then beware of your geese.
Italian Proverb
Let every fox take care of his own tail.
Italian Proverb
When the lion's skin falls short, piece it out with that of the fox.
Italian Proverb
When the fox preaches, look to the geese.
Romanian Proverb
The fox did not reach the grape, said it's unripe.
Kurdish Proverb
It is not only the fox, even the snail arrives at its destination.
Nigerian Proverb
When a dog ages, the fox pees on it.
Corsican Proverb
The fox can lose his fur but not his cunning.
Corsican Proverb
Sour said the fox about rowan berries.
Finnish Proverb
An old fox doesn't go twice into the trap.
Dutch Proverb
The fox never fares better than when he's bann'd.
Dutch Proverb
The fox may lose his hair, but not his cunning.
Dutch Proverb