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Fox Proverbs
Be a lion at home and a fox abroad.
Persian Proverb
One cannot strip two hides from one fox.
Hungarian Proverb
A sleeping fox finds no meat.
Brazilian Proverb
Never ask a fox to mind the hens.
Irish Proverb
A fox is not caught twice in the same snare.
Greek Proverb
Necessity turns lion into fox.
Persian Proverb
Necessity changes a lion into a fox.
Persian Proverb
The fox advised the others to cut off their tails, because he had left his own in the trap.
Italian Proverb
Where the skin of the lion does not suffice, we must join that of the fox.
Italian Proverb
A sleeping fox counts chicken in his dreams.
Russian Proverb
A foolish fox is caught by one leg, but a wise one by all four.
Serbian Proverb
When the fox is hungry, he eats butterflies.
Namibian Proverb
A fox is in trouble because of his own pelt.
Afghan Proverb
The fox will catch you with cunning, and the wolf with courage.
Albanian Proverb
A fox smells its own stink first.
English Proverb
The sleeping fox catches no poultry.
Danish Proverb
You can have no more of the fox than his skin.
Danish Proverb
It is not for my own sake, said the fox, "that I say there is a good goose-green in the wood."
Danish Proverb
The fox changes his skin, but keeps the rogue.
German Proverb
Where the lion's skin falls short, borrow of the fox.
German Proverb
Bear and bull catch no fox.
German Proverb
The fox does not prey near his hole.
German Proverb