Proverbs around the world
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Bear Proverbs
Hungry bear doesn't dance.
Bulgarian Proverb
Not all the tree's blossoms will bear fruit.
Mauritania Proverb
Bad is the sack that will not bear patching.
Italian Proverb
Who divides honey with the bear, will be like to get the lesser share..
Italian Proverb
Catch the bear before you sell his skin.
Vietnamese Proverb
He that will have fire must bear with smoke.
Dutch Proverb
I ran from the wolf but ran into a bear.
Russian Proverb
He that sleeps with a dog, should bear its fleas.
Bulgarian Proverb
Walk your own road and bear your own load.
Mexican Proverb
Sometimes you get the bear and sometimes the bear gets you.
Gypsy Proverb
A dog doesn't like bananas, but he can't bear to think that chickens eat them.
Martinican Proverb
The farmer grows the corn, but the bear eats it.
Nepal Proverb
Haste and hurry can only bear children with many regrets along the way.
Senegalese Proverb
Never trust a woman, even if she has borne you seven children.
Japanese Proverb
A heavy load should be borne together as well as a light load.
Malay Proverb
A palm tree growing in the shade will not bear ripe fruit.
Afghan Proverb
Roots of evil bear bitter fruits.
American Proverb
A light burden's heavy if far borne.
English Proverb
If you will stir up the mire, you must bear the smell.
Danish Proverb
The oldest trees often bear the sweetest fruit.
German Proverb
Where'er an ass is crown'd to fame, both town and country bear the shame.
German Proverb
Bear and bull catch no fox.
German Proverb