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Ass Proverbs - page 3
Rather an ass that carries than a horse that throws.
Italian Proverb
There's no making the ass drink when his is not thirsty.
Italian Proverb
Who cheats is a dog, who lets himself be cheated is an ass.
Estonian Proverb
Who loans his ass to someone else should shit through his ribs.
Estonian Proverb
Sweet is the smell from your own ass.
Icelandic Proverb
As ass does not hit himself twice against the same stone.
Dutch Proverb
Better ride a good horse for a year, than an ass all your life.
Dutch Proverb
Give an ass oats and he runs after thistles.
Dutch Proverb
An ox and an ass don't yoke well to the same plough.
Dutch Proverb
I have rather an ass that carries me than a horse that throws me.
Turkish Proverb
An ass let him be who brays at an ass.
Spanish Proverb
Bachelor, a peacock; betrothed, a lion; married, an ass.
Spanish Proverb
Give me the ass that carries me in preference to the horse that throws me.
Spanish Proverb
Honey was not made for the mouth of the ass.
Spanish Proverb
If three people say you are an ass, put on a bridle.
Spanish Proverb
When three people call you an ass, put on a bridle.
Spanish Proverb
An ass with her colt goes not straight to the mill.
Spanish Proverb
Good, good, good, but God keep my ass out of his rye.
Spanish Proverb
If an ass goes traveling it will not come home a horse.
Traditional Proverb
He who rides upon an ass cannot help but smell its gas!
African Proverb
The ass knows in whose face he brays.
American Proverb
Even an ass loves to hear himself bray.
American Proverb