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Times Proverbs - page 2
We forget even incense in easy times; come hard times, we embrace the buddha's feet.
Chinese Proverb
A real friend is one who takes the hand of his friend in times of distress and helplessness.
Afghan Proverb
Let a wrong-doing repeat itself at least three times: the first may be an accident, the second a mistake, but the third is likely to be intentional.
African Proverb
In times of need a pig is called uncle.
Albanian Proverb
If you are in the house of a friend, bad times are soon forgotten.
Albanian Proverb
The sound of a church bell at times has more effect than a sermon.
American Proverb
Perseverance is failing nineteen times and succeeding the twentieth.
American Proverb
Cowards die many times, but a brave man only dies once.
English Proverb
Everyone puts his fault on the times.
English Proverb
Suit yourself to the times.
German Proverb
You are permitted in times of great danger to walk with the devil until you have crossed the bridge.
Bulgarian Proverb
It is better in times of need to have a friend rather than money.
Greek Proverb
In times of difficulty, friendship is on trial.
Greek Proverb
If one has to jump a stream and knows how wide it is, he will not jump. If he does not know how wide it is, he will jump, and six times out of ten he will make it.
Persian Proverb
All times are good when old.
Polish Proverb
Different times different manners.
Italian Proverb
Times are not always the same; the grass is not always green.
Mongolian Proverb
A man fails seven times and rises eight times.
Mongolian Proverb
An ant-hill that is destined to become a giant ant-hill will definitely become one, no matter how many times it is destroyed by elephants.
Nigerian Proverb
If it weren't for sorrow and bad times, every day would be christmas.
Lithuanian Proverb
The macaco doesn't climb up the acacia tree two times.
Haitian Proverb
In times of famine no bread is stale.
Catalan Proverb